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Showing 169-192 of 733 results
Filter search results.-
- General adult 467
- Juvenile 238
- Young adult 25
- Mature adult 3
- OverDrive Read 543
- OverDrive Read-along 9
- EPUB ebook 509
- Open EPUB ebook 126
- PDF ebook 5
- Classic Literature 733
- Fiction 472
- Juvenile Fiction 236
- Juvenile Literature 181
- Literature 152
- Historical Fiction 76
- Fantasy 76
- Humor (Fiction) 38
- Science Fiction 31
- Young Adult Fiction 25
- Romance 25
- Short Stories 20
- Mystery 18
- Thriller 17
- Mythology 15
- Picture Book Fiction 12
- Poetry 12
- Young Adult Literature 10
- Drama 10
- Horror 8
- Suspense 8
- Folklore 7
- Non-English Fiction 6
- African American Fiction 6
- Comic and Graphic Books 5
- LGBTQIA+ (Fiction) 3
- Western 3
- Beginning Reader 2
- Science Fiction & Fantasy 2
- Literary Anthologies 1
- English 569
- French 101
- Chinese 62
- Spanish; Castilian 1
Lexile® Measures
- BR–200L 2
- 200L–400L 6
- 400L–600L 49
- 600L–800L 78
- 800L–1000L 158
- 1000L–1200L 84
- 1200L–1400L 26
- 1400L–1600L 6
- 1600L–1800L 1
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×Availability can change throughout the month based on the library's budget. You can still place a hold on the title, and your hold will be automatically filled as soon as the title is available again.