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Perfect for fans of Victoria Aveyard, Kiera Cass, and Kendare Blake.
Jules Ember was raised hearing legends of the ancient magic of the wicked Alchemist and the good Sorceress. But she has just learned the truth: She is the Alchemist, and Caro—a woman who single-handedly murdered the Queen and Jules's first love, Roan, in cold blood—is the Sorceress.
The whole kingdom believes that Jules is responsible for the murders, and a hefty bounty has been placed on her head. And Caro is intent on destroying Jules, who stole her heart twelve lifetimes ago. Now Jules must piece together the stories of her past lives to save the person who has captured her heart in this one.
Praise for Everless
"Sara Holland is a fierce storyteller. An intoxicating blend of blood, secrets, and haunting mythology, Everless gives new and terrifying meaning to the phrase running out of time."—Stephanie Garber, New York Times–bestselling author of Caraval
"Propelled by inventive lore and magic, Jules's story is a heady, addicting page-turner—especially for readers who prize worldbuilding over romance. Utterly absorbing; a must for fans of Sarah J. Maas's Throne of Glass . . . and its sequels."—Kirkus Reviews