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Gordon Ramsay knows how important it is to eat well, whether you're training for a marathon or just trying to live healthier. And just because it's healthy food, doesn't mean you have to compromise on taste and flavor. As a Michelin-star super-chef who is also a committed athlete, Gordon Ramsay shares his go-to recipes for when he wants to eat well at home.
Healthy, Lean & Fit provides readers with 108 delicious recipes divided into three sections—each one offering breakfasts, lunches, dinners, sides, and snacks—highlighting different health-boosting benefits. The Healthy section consists of nourishing recipes for general well-being; the Lean section encourage healthy weight loss; and the Fit section features recipes to fuel your next workout and post-workout dishes to build continued strength and energy. Whatever your personal goals, these dishes will inspire you to get cooking and improve your own health.