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Doctors everywhere have the same goal: healthier and happier lives for their patients. And yet, no two medical professionals give the same advice. How much coffee is too much? What's better for your fitness: cardio or weights? What is mindfulness, and how can you practice it?
Finally, there are answers to all of those questions and more. Eat, Move, Think breaks down the fundamentals of living a long and healthy life into three sections: nutrition, physical activity, and mental health. Francis addresses the questions that we all grapple with: How much meat should I eat? Is it okay to sit all day if I work out afterwards? How does sleep affect my mental health? Drawing upon the expert advice of world-renowned doctors and medical professionals, this book captures the innovative strategies of the world's highest performers—Navy SEALs, cutting-edge researchers, professional athletes—in one handy illustrated guide to everyday healthy living.
Honest, straightforward, and accessible, Eat, Move, Think will empower and educate you, showing you the simple, achievable steps you can take to transform your health and your life.